Unicorn Lamps, Chronic Illness, and Nightstands

A few weeks ago, someone reached out to me about submitting a photo and information about my nightstand. Her name is Emma Jones! Wait... what? Yes- that's correct folks! Submit a photo of my nightstand.  But- there's a reason! It's pretty fantastic!  "What’s on your nightstand? If you live with a chronic illness, your nightstand … Continue reading Unicorn Lamps, Chronic Illness, and Nightstands

I have T1D and PCOS (and it’s no secret) BUT- I LOVE carbs!

I don't think this will be a shock to anyone- BUT I LOVE CARBSSSSS! and maybe- I'm not supposed to admit it out loud- officially- but it's true. I love carbs. (shhhh- don't tell anyone- even though it's not a secret) (not my image) like Phyllis from "Confessions of a Type 1 Diabetic with a … Continue reading I have T1D and PCOS (and it’s no secret) BUT- I LOVE carbs!