Coming of Age with Chronic Illness & Mental Health Book

Buy the Book here

I’m asking for $26 through orders not done on Kickstarter via

Coming of Age with Chronic Illness & Mental Health Book– title TBA.

Kickstarter Image

I’m self-publishing an honest book about growing up with chronic illness and mental health. I wrote the content before rose-colored glasses impacted my experiences too much. To help this book get published, you can visit the crowdfunding page to learn more, back my project, and help spread the word. You can also follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and my blog “There’s More to the Story”.

You can learn more about the book on my blog here and here.

This page will be updated after the Kickstarter is finished. The Kickstarter runs from August 27th, 2017 to September 26th, 2017.

You can check out some posts about my book and my crowdfunding campaign from some wonderful people and groups!

Give these a read (or a listen) and be sure to follow them for more great content.

Coming of Age with Chronic Illness & Mental Health

This book is about chronic illness, mental health, and other things that can happen while growing up. You can help get this book published!

You might be wondering a few things:

What is this book about?

Simply put, this book is about growing up. It’s about chronic illness and mental health. It’s filled with honesty and truth of the power of me too. It’s full of the positive and the negative- the message of “yes it can suck, but you can do it.”

Why am I writing this?

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was seven years old on March 8, 2000. When I was 12 years old, my dad passed away from cancer of unknown sources which changed my life and financial situation. I started blogging in college about life, chronic illness, and mental health at my blog “There’s More to the Story.” I was later diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and OCD (symptoms presenting before the age of 12) at 22 years old, and then PCOS and endometriosis at 23. I’ve always wanted to be an author, but I never saw myself writing nonfiction- especially about my life and different diagnoses. After graduating from the University of Georgia in 2015 with a degree in Social Work, I started realizing that a lot of books were focused on one- on one chronic illness- or that the views and experiences were impacted by rose-colored glasses. At the moment (at the age of 22), I decided to write a book. I wanted to finish the content before I turned 24 to keep my experiences fresh and close to what I was feeling at the time.

What am I doing exactly?

Well, I’ve written a book and am opting to ask for help to get it self-published. I graduated college a little over two years ago and have a social work degree so besides emergency savings, I don’t have extra money sitting around to embark on this journey. I’ve thought long and hard about the decision to go the self-publishing direction. After making lists and asking for advice, I did decide to self-publish and ask for help to make this happen!

What is the funding going towards?

The funding will be going towards the process of self-publishing the book. This includes printing, shipping, editing, and design. I have done a lot to try and make sure I go local, ask for help where it’s applicable, and go to the people in my life first (for things like design, editing, etc.). I do have a reach goal which includes donating more books if we get past the initial goal of $5,000 quickly.

Did you know that no matter what you contribute, you’ll get inside information before anyone else? Be sure to back this crowdfunding campaign- sooner rather than later!

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Hey you! Yes, you! 

Let’s connect on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram (maybe even 2 or all of those!). 

If you enjoyed this post, please comment and share. I’d also appreciate your feedback.

and of course-don’t forget to keep up with “There’s More to the Story” via email! (Right sidebar towards the top).

We’ll both be glad you did! -Mindy